
A subclass of starlike functions with respect to conjugate points. (English) Zbl 1188.30009

Summary: Let \(\mathcal S^*_c(A,B)\) denote the class of functions \(f\) which are analytic in the open unit disc \(\mathcal D=\{z:| z|<1\}\) and satisfy the condition
\[ \frac{2zf'(z)}{f(z)+\overline{f(z)}}\prec\frac{1+Az}{1+Bz},\qquad -1\leq B<A\leq 1,\quad z\in \mathcal D. \]
The aim of the paper is to determine coefficient estimates for the class \(\mathcal S^*_c(A,B)\).


30C45 Special classes of univalent and multivalent functions of one complex variable (starlike, convex, bounded rotation, etc.)
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