
Invariant means and fixed point properties of semigroup of nonexpansive mappings. (English) Zbl 1181.47062

In the present paper, the author continues some of his recent joint works with W. Takahashi on fixed point properties or ergodic properties for semigroups of nonexpansive mappings on a nonempty closed convex subset of a Banach space. Especially, the author studies the algebra of (nonlinear) submeans on subspaces of \(l^\infty(S)\), where \(S\) is a semigroup and \(l^\infty(S)\) is the Banach space of bounded and real valued function on \(S\) with the supremum norm, the relationship between invariant means (or submeans) and fixed point properties of semigroups of nonexpansive mappings, the relation between amenability and ergodic type theorems, and the approximation of fixed points.


47H20 Semigroups of nonlinear operators
47A10 Spectrum, resolvent
43A07 Means on groups, semigroups, etc.; amenable groups
43A60 Almost periodic functions on groups and semigroups and their generalizations (recurrent functions, distal functions, etc.); almost automorphic functions
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