
A perturbation method based on integrating vectors and multiple scales. (English) Zbl 0926.34044

Summary: A new perturbation method based on integrating vectors and multiple scales is presented for regularly perturbed systems of ordinary differential equations. Asymptotic approximations to first integrals are constructed on long time-scales, that is, on time-scales of order \(\varepsilon^{-n}\), where \(\varepsilon\) is a small parameter and \(n\geq 1\). In some cases, approximations to first integrals can be obtained which are valid for all times \(t\geq t_0\).
To show how this perturbation method works, the method is applied to the Van der Pol equation, a Mathieu equation, and to an equation for a harmonic oscillator with a cubic damping term.


34E10 Perturbations, asymptotics of solutions to ordinary differential equations
34E13 Multiple scale methods for ordinary differential equations
34C05 Topological structure of integral curves, singular points, limit cycles of ordinary differential equations
34C15 Nonlinear oscillations and coupled oscillators for ordinary differential equations
34E05 Asymptotic expansions of solutions to ordinary differential equations
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