
Remark on hyperbolic embeddability of relatively compact subspaces of complex spaces. (English) Zbl 0741.32021

Some results of Kobayashi and M. G. Zajdenberg [Sib. Math. J. 24, 858-867 (1983); translation from Sib. Mat. Zh. 24, No. 6(142), 44-55 (1983; Zbl 0579.32039)] are completed to get the inverse statements. Let \(M\) be a locally complete hyperbolic and relatively compact subspace of a complex space \(X\). Then the following conditions are equivalent: i) \(M\) is hyperbolically embedded in \(X\), ii) \(M\) has an extension property for maps of punctured disk into \(M\subset X\), and \(\partial M\) contains no limit complex lines, iii) \(M\) contains no complex lines and \(\partial M\) contains no limit complex lines.


32Q45 Hyperbolic and Kobayashi hyperbolic manifolds
32H25 Picard-type theorems and generalizations for several complex variables


Zbl 0579.32039
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